Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
ERWAT is committed to maintain and build awareness about the company amongst its stakeholder communities through a well-planned social responsibility programme.
This programme includes annual events to educate communities on water-related themes and environmental conservation and sustainability themes, such as National Water Week, National Youth Month and National Sanitation Week. ERWAT often partners with other role-players to achieve its social responsibility goals, such as the City of Ekurhuleni, the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), conservation specialists and non-government organisations (NGO’s).
Acting responsibly is at the heart of all we do at ERWAT. The company believes that corporate social responsibility brings about positive change for everyone, including stakeholders and communities as well as to assist ERWAT to conduct its business in a way that is ethical and environmentally friendly.
Through CSR, ERWAT considers the interest of society by taking responsibility for the impact of its activities on communities, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders as well as the environment. This commitment shows that ERWAT voluntarily takes initiatives to improve the well-being of the local communities and society at large.