RFQ: Supply and delivery of Sensifast HRM KIT (500 reactions) Components ( 2x SensiFast HRM mix)

Bid Number : RFQ202108/010
Bid Validity Period: 3 days
Closing Date: 2021-08-20 12:00 pm

Compulsory Briefing: No

Issuing Department: Scientific Services

Contact Person [Supply Chain]: Pedro
Contact Number: 0119297000

Contact Person [Technical]: Phillip Thobejane
Contact Number: 0119297164

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Bidders may not alter the downloaded document in any form what so-ever. If such action is found, the bidders document summarily be disqualified.

ERWAT will not be held liable for bidders submitting incorrect documents or supporting documents.

BACK TO: RFQs < R30,000
2021-08-17T08:55:31+02:00August 17th, 2021|

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