The Supply And Delivery Of Cationic Polyelectrolyte Flocculant Throughout ERWAT For Thirty Six (36) Months

Bid Number: ERW201712/TNDR-002
Published Date: 2018-06-12 12:00 pm
Closing Date: 2018-08-13 12:00 pm

Status: awarded

Name Of Awarded Bidder: Thutukani SNF Chemicals (Pty) Ltd.
BEE Level: 1
DTI: Commodity and %: 300
CIDB Grade: 4b
PPPFA: 1000
Bid Price: R 6 853 768.53
Contract Type: Fixed
Contract Duration: 36 Months

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2019-06-24T10:07:53+02:00June 12th, 2018|

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